However, although I've been hanging on by a thread, I am still chasing the lofty goal of 1000 words per day. And so this A-Z blog challenge is EXACTLY the kickstart I need!
I recently read the great book the Desire Map, and my desire words are:
- Aflame
- Allied
- Awestruck
- Anchored
- In the Zone
Now, what do they mean?
Aflame: I chose this because I am passionate about my work and my life.
Allied: I am deeply spiritual, a mystic Christian, and so the Holy Spirit is my constant ally.
Awestruck: The great privilege of my work is that so often, I get to see miracles. I see miracles in my clients' lives, and sometimes I even get to BE the miracle. I just love the awe inspiring, humbling experience of that.
Anchored: I am very pragmatic and practical: while I am a mystic, I also dwell in the material and physical world intensely. My spirituality embraces the goodness and joy of physical matter and sensation.
In the Zone: When I work with clients, when I write, when I create anything, I am so focused that time simply disappears. It's exhilarating, and while I can't think of an "a" word for it, it had to be one of my core desires. And there you have it for A!